September 21 – Technical history

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1866 – Herbert George Wells was born in Bromley, England. He would grow up to write under the name H.G. Wells and help from the genre of science fiction.

1994Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 released

Microsoft releases the second version of the Windows NT OS – Wiis ndows NT 3.5 in two versions to have a server and workstation version NT 3.1 and was the first Windows NT version to have a Server and Workstation version. NT 3.5 integrated Winsock and TCP/IP support for dial-up and networking. NT 3.5 also initiated FTP and LPR printer support. The VFAT option also allowed for naming conventions up to 255 characters. This version was a problematic one, especially since it couldn’t install on a machine with a Pentium processor inside. Therefore, NT 3.5.1 was released in 1995.

1996Programming Error May Have Contributed to Plane Crash

A New York Times article warned against the dangers of trusting computers too completely after an investigation revealed that programming error may have contributed to the crash of American Airlines Flight 965 in Colombia in December 1995. The pilots apparently selected the first choice of a beacon to guide the plane’s autopilot to a landing without checking that it was what they actually wanted. As a result, the plane was directed 100 miles off course, with the devastating result of 159 deaths.

1999 – Google came out of beta. The young company announced its new Google Scout feature and the launch of its new website, removing the beta designation from the Google search engine.

2000 – Kevin Mitnick was released form a Lompoc, California prison after almost five years of incarceration.

2003Galileo Completes Jupiter Mission

After fourteen years in space, eight of those as the first man-made object orbiting Jupiter, the unmanned NASA spacecraft Galileo is sent into the atmosphere of the giant planet. NASA decided to end Galileo’s mission in his manner in order to avoid any possibility of it colliding with one of Jupiter’s moons and potentially contaminating it with bacteria from Earth. How sanitary of them.

2015 – Christopher Poole aka ‘moot’ sold 4Chan to its inspiration 2Channel. Hiroyuki Nishimura became 4Chan’s president.

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