September 15 – Technical history

apple II 1

1947 – RCA released the 12AX7 vacuum tube for public sale. The miniature dual triode vacuum tube with high voltage gain became popular with tube amplifier enthusiasts and has been in continuous production since. The tube is also known as the ECC83 in the European Union.

1947The Association for Computing Machinery is Founded

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is founded. With more than 100,000 members from over 100 countries as of 2014, ACM organizes conferences and educational workshops to exchange information on computing technology.

1986The Last Apple II

Apple introduces the Apple IIgs, the last major product release in the Apple II series of personal computers. Blending the older Apple II series computers with aspects from the Macintosh computer, the advanced “graphics and sound” capabilities of the IIgs (hence the name) was ahead of other contemporary computers such as the Macintosh and IBM PC. However, as Apple chose to focus on the Macintosh line of computers, Apple eventually ceased development of the Apple II series. The last IIs was produced in December of 1982.

2008Best Buy Purchased Napster

Napster has been trying to solidify their name since they went legit. They forged the way with music downloads in the 1990’s but struggled after. Enter best buyowned the service until 2011 when Napster merged with Rhapsody. Best Buy still has a minor stake in the music sharing software.

2014 – Microsoft announced they would purchase Mojang, makers of the Minecraft universe Mojang’s founders, Notch, Carl and Jacob announced they would leave the company.

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