March 1 – technical history


1896 – Henri Becquerel discovered images of uranium rocks had appeared on a photographic plate without exposure to the sun. He had discovered natural radiation.

1960John McCarthy’s LISP Programmer’s Manual Released

The first LISP Programmer’s Manual is released. Considered the mother tongue of Artificial Intelligence (AI), LISP is older than most other high-level languages still in use today. John McCarthy created the recursive and symbolic language.

1966First Spacecraft to Land On Another Planet

The unmanned Soviet space probe Venera 3 crashes into the night side of Venus, becoming the first spacecraft to land on another planet.

1976On The First Day

Steve Wozniak completes the basic design for the circuit board of a (relatively) easy-to-use personal computer. The next day he shows it to the Homebrew Computer Club, which Steve Jobs attends. Jobs realize the potential and convince Wozniak not to give away the schematics but instead produce printed circuit boards to sell. The two Steves form a company, which they name Apple, and Wozniak’s design becomes the basis of the Apple I computer. The rest, as they say, is history.

1990The Raid of Steve Jackson Games

The secret service and Austin TX police raided Steve Jackson Games, along with the home of Loyd Blankenship, writer of GURPS Cyberpunk. Four computers, two laser printers and all of the companies’ hardware was seized. This was a part of a nationwide data piracy investigation.

It was a very sketchy reason for why the roleplaying and gaming company got raided this hard. This also brought on a six month battle to get back their hardware, which they finally were able to retrieve all but one hard drive. Finally, on October 21, 1990, Steve Jackson Games got to look at the warrant and reason why they were raided.

It turned out Blankenship was doing research for his book. He visited and talked a lot about questionable topics at his home and at his work – Steve Jackson Games.

This incident sparked the creation of the Electronic Frontier Foundation – a nonprofit dedicated to the constitutional rights of computer users.

1995 – A little over a year after starting the website in January 1994, Jerry Yang and David Filo incorporated Yahoo!

2006 – English-language Wikipedia reached its one millionth article, “Jordanhill railway station.”

2008Netscape Discontinued

America Online discontinues the Netscape web browser. Netscape was the first commercial web browser, largely responsible for helping popularize the Internet in the mid-1990’s. Netscape eventually was overtaken by Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, as Microsoft included it for free with every copy of Windows. However, the computer code for Netscape lives on as the basis of the Mozilla Firefox browser project, which continues to gain popularity to this day.

2016 – Astronauts Mikhail Kornienko and Scott Kelly landed safely in Kazakhstan after spending a record 340 days aboard the International Space Station.

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