October 3 – technical history


1942 – German conducted the first successful test of the V-2/A4 rocket, launched from Test Stand VII at Peenemunde. It traveled 118 miles.

1950Transistor Inventor Receive Patent

The US Patent Office issued a patent to John Barden, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley for the transistor. The three AT&T Bell Laboratories researchers had successfully tested the first of their devices two years earlier. The transistor started a revolution in computer engineering that led to the development of the semiconductors, microprocessors, and integrated circuits common in modern computers.

1967 – Air Force Major “Pete” Knight flew the rocket-powered X-15 aircraft to 4,520 mph, Mach 6.72. That is the fastest manned aircraft ever flown.

1972 – The first USA/Japan Computer Conference was held in Tokyo.

1985 – STS-51J lifted off Sending the Space Shuttle Atlantis on its maiden flight. It was the fourth shuttle created and eventually became the last shuttle to fly in July 2011.

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